Submission Procedures

Manuscript Format and Style

The purpose of Archivaria is to educate, explore, and stimulate through the communication of ideas and information. Therefore, the writing must be clear, correct, and easy to read. Indeed, the more complicated or abstract the ideas, the greater the requirement for direct and unpretentious prose. Acronyms should be used sparingly, technical terms defined in simple words, and jargon avoided wherever possible. Authors should also avoid unsuitable statements concerning ethnicity and race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Constructive and respectful critiques are welcome, but authors should refrain from personal attacks or statements that harm the reputation of individuals, groups or organizations.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the General Editor,, as email attachments in MS Word (.docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). All text and footnotes should be double-spaced. Closing punctuation should be followed by single spaces. For further details consult the Style Guide.

A typical manuscript will not exceed 8,000 to 10,000 words including tables, footnotes, and appendices. Manuscripts that greatly exceed this will be critically reviewed with respect to length. For shorter pieces, such as Studies in Documents, the word count is typically 4,000 to 5,000 words. Read more about the journal’s types of submissions.

All questions regarding submissions, excluding book and exhibition reviews, should be directed to the General Editor, For further details, see Contact page.

Abstract and Biographical Sketch

Along with the manuscript, authors of articles (including articles for Studies in Documents and Counterpoint) are asked to provide one-paragraph abstracts (150–250 words) and short biographical sketches (no longer than 250 words). Biographical sketches should outline the authors’ current and past positions in the archival field, their academic background, and any relevant service in the archival field (such as professional committee or editorial work) as well as any publications of note. For examples of abstracts and biographical sketches, please refer to previous issues of Archivaria.

Rights and Permissions

Authors are responsible for compliance with copyright and intellectual property requirements, including the fair use of quotations. Accuracy in citations is the responsibility of the author, as is conformity with established citation style as outlined in the Style Guide.

Authors whose articles include reproductions of works in which the rights are owned by third parties must obtain written permission from the rights holder(s) for the use of such material, and must provide Archivaria with copies of all such permissions. Archivaria does not provide funding to authors for fees associated with reproduction costs or copyright clearance.

In the case of previously published content about or from Indigenous People, authors should be aware that this content may have been published without proper consent or may not have been reproduced accurately and must consult with the Indigenous People who own this particular cultural property for advice about permission to reproduce.

Image Checklist

Right after submitting their manuscript, authors must provide a completed Author Checklist for the Use of Images in Archivaria, which is a list of the illustrative material that the author wishes to use and a complete statement of all rights and permission requirements to use reproductions of works in which the rights are owned by third parties.

Archivaria reserves the right to refuse to publish any article where rights or licensing agreements related to third-party material are time limited or otherwise restrictive of future use.

Authors are required to sign the Agreement on Authors’ Rights and Responsibilities, which permits Archivaria to publish and disseminate the work in print and electronically. In the same agreement, authors are required to confirm that “the material submitted for publication in Archivaria, both in its paper and electronic versions, including reproductions of other works (e.g., photographs, maps etc.) does not infringe upon any existing copyright.” Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication retain copyright in their work and are able to publish their articles in institutional repositories or elsewhere as long as the piece is posted after its original appearance on Any reproduction within one year following the date of this agreement requires the permission of the General Editor.


Authors are encouraged to include illustrative material (e.g., photos, maps, etc.) in their submissions, as appropriate to the content. Digital copies of these works should be submitted as email attachments at the time of initial submission. (See below for information regarding technical requirements.) Depending on the situation, it may be appropriate for authors to provide low-resolution images with the initial submission and to submit publication-quality copies once the article has been accepted for publication.

Technical Requirements for Images

For the purposes of publication, Archivaria will accept JPEG format, 300 dpi or 1,800 × 1,500 pixel range with a file size in the 500–700 KB range. (If using Adobe Photoshop, an 1,800 × 1,500 pixel image saved in medium JPEG compression should create a file in the 500 KB range.) Whenever possible, scanned images should be produced from the original photograph in order to ensure the highest possible quality for publication.