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Archivaria’s Submissions & Style Guide, created in 1995 and updated several times since, evolved from a specialized in-house style sheet that provided authors with brief guidelines on matters of style, source citations, and manuscript submission. What follows are general submission instructions and basic guidelines, with examples of the style to use when writing for Archivaria. This guide is not meant to be comprehensive. Rather, the intent is to provide pointers on some of the more common issues that arise. Authors are still encouraged to consult the authoritative sources directly.

About Archivaria

Archivaria, the journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA), is devoted to the scholarly investigation of archives in Canada and internationally. Published twice yearly in both print and electronic formats, the journal aims to be a means of communication among archivists and archival scholars and between archivists, users of archives, and others interested in archives and archival practice. Since 1975, the journal has explored a range of topics, including theoretical problems in archival studies; practical solutions; ideas from history and other related disciplines; changing forms and types of documentation; technological developments in information creation and use; legal and ethical concerns; the history of archives; the activities of individual archivists; trends in archival development; changing recordkeeping practices over time; the relationship of archivists to other information management professionals; and much else. All members of the ACA receive Archivaria as part of their membership dues. Subscriptions are also available, and reprints of published articles and copies of back issues can be ordered individually. Consult the journal website at

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